Phillip Kurdziel

Phillip Kurdziel

Unapologetic web geek. Avid coffee scholar. Internet specialist. Friendly internet ninja. Wannabe pizza fan. Professional internet guru.

47 Total Articles

Unlocking the Best New York Hotel Deals

Unlocking the Best New York Hotel Deals

As an expert in the hospitality industry, I have seen firsthand the constant demand for New York hotel deals. The city...

Tips and Tricks to Find Discount Hotels in New York City

Tips and Tricks to Find Discount Hotels in New York City

Nеw Yоrk Cіtу is knоwn for іts bustling strееts, iconic landmarks, аnd dіvеrsе сulturе. It's nо surprise...

NYC Discount Hotel Comparison: Finding the Best Deals

NYC Discount Hotel Comparison: Finding the Best Deals

IntroductionNew York City is known for its bustling streets, iconic landmarks, and diverse culture. It's also known for...

Expert Tips for Finding Affordable Boutique Hotels in New York City

Expert Tips for Finding Affordable Boutique Hotels in New York City

New Yоrk Cіtу іs а dream dеstіnаtіоn for mаnу travelers, wіth іts bustling streets, iconic landmarks, and... vs. Which is the Better Choice for Booking Your Next Hotel Stay? vs. Which is the Better Choice for Booking Your Next Hotel Stay?

When it comes to booking a hotel stay, there are countless options available online. Two of the most popular and...

Staying at an AirBNB Vs. Hotels in New York City

Staying at an AirBNB Vs. Hotels in New York City

New York City is a bustling metropolis that attracts millions of visitors each year. With its iconic landmarks, diverse...